Carbon Literacy Course (for Teachers)

If you are a teacher who wants to develop your climate knowledge and learn how to inspire your students and pupils to care about climate change, our Carbon Literacy Course for Teachers is the course for you.

Designed for teachers and staff that are tasked with leading on climate change and sustainability, this course provides all the knowledge and tools you need to kickstart a climate revolution.

On this course we use our Carbon Footprint Games to teach climate change in an interactive and accessible way. Throughout the course you will learn how to use the games to facilitate conversations and learning for your pupils, meaning you can motivate others to enact positive change.


Evening (3 days)


From £149.00


Online via Zoom

Build your knowledge on climate change

Course Value

Deepen your climate change knowledge

Gain a deep understanding of the science to feel confident to discuss climate change and its impacts with your pupils.

Interactive and fun learning

Have fun whilst learning through games, quizzes and group activities, climate learning doesn’t have to be dull!

Tools and resources to inspire action

Gain insight into valuable tools and resources to upskill yourself, staff members and your pupils quickly.

Lasting impact

Learn how to engage and mobilise your pupils to talk about climate change through recognising their personal impact on the planet.

Carbon Literacy Accreditation

Come away with a certificate in Carbon Literacy (subject to final assessment) and 2 personalised pledges towards climate action.

There is no upcoming event

Meet your facilitators

Emma Fieldhouse

Emma is a qualified teacher with over 20-years experience teaching about sustainability and climate change. She has delivered carbon literacy via the medium of games since 2016 and is passionate about ensuring learning works for everyone.

Charlotte Lawson

Charlotte has been using our Carbon Footprint Games to educate others for over 7 years. With a background in environmental and social change campaigns she’s experienced in empowering others to create change.

Course content

The basics of climate science – the how, why and what

What your own impacts are and how the education sector can effect change

How to use the ‘How Bad are Bananas?’ Carbon Footprint Game to inspire your pupils

How you can become an ambassador for climate change and take individual action

How you can use your skills to teach other staff and your pupils how to take action

Join the banana movement


LEt ’s pEEl off thEsE CO₂e Emissions

What makes us unique?

Interactive learning

Engaging your students is key to their learning and success. This course uses games to teach you Carbon Literacy, meaning it is interactive, engaging and most importantly fun- the opposite of death by PowerPoint. Our interactive learning method ensures you feel confident and capable of teaching Carbon Literacy and make a real impact on your students’ understanding.

The interactivity, atmosphere and fast pace but without it being overwhelming. Not sure if this was planned but the course was neurodivergent friendly which is rarely the case so thank you as I was dreading it a bit!’

Scientific credibility

We take our course content seriously and base it on the scientific data from the book ‘How Bad Are Bananas?’ by Mike Berners-Lee, the most up-to-date compendium of carbon footprint research in the UK.

Definitely going to get the book! Really opened my eyes to what has a high CO2′.

Lasting learning

We use a unique approach that encourages you to share your knowledge and experiences with fellow learners, resulting in a deeper understanding of the course material. You’ll leave our course with a solid grasp of the concepts and the ability to remember and apply them long after the course has ended.

‘The focus on empowerment and teaching techniques. It is not about memorising content but feeling equipped and skilled to guide learners/ engagers’

Meet other teachers

You will get to engage with teachers from across the sectors. You will all have carbon literacy education in common but will offer varying views and perspectives which will enhance your learning experience.

‘[My favourite part of the course was] Breakout groups and having conversations with people actually delivering this in schools and sharing of information to apply with students’

Get the tools and learning you need to inspire others to think for themselves and take action

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